Some systems are experiencing issues

Past Incidents

Monday 12th July 2021

Registry maintenance/ Προγραμματισμένες εργασίες συντήρησης μητρώων, scheduled 3 years ago

During the maintenance the following TLDs will not be available for registration or management through Papaki’s Control Panel.

Affected TLDs: .academy, .accountants, .agency, .apartments, .associates, .bargains, .bike, .bingo, .boutique, .builders, .business, .cab, .cafe, .camera, .camp, .capital, .cards, .care, .careers, .cash, .casino, .catering, .center, .chat, .cheap, .church, .city, .claims, .cleaning, .clinic, .clothing, .coach, .codes, .coffee, .community, .company, .computer, .condos, .construction, .contractors, .cool, .coupons, .credit, .creditcard, .cruises, .dating, .deals, .delivery, .dental, .diamonds, .digital, .direct, .directory, .discount, .doctor, .dog, .domains, .education ,.email, .energy, .engineering, .enterprises, .equipment, .estate, .events, .exchange, .expert, .exposed, .express, .fail, .farm, .finance, .financial, .fish, .fitness, .flights, .florist, .football, .foundation, .fund, .furniture, .fyi, .gallery, .gifts, .glass, .gmbh, .gold, .golf, .graphics, .gratis, .gripe, .group, .guide, .guru, .healthcare, .hockey, .holdings, .holiday, .hospital, .house, .immo, .industries, .institute, .insure, .international, .investments, .irish, .jetzt, .jewelry, .kitchen, .land, .lease, .legal, .life, .lighting, .limited, .limo, .loans, .ltd , .maison, .management, .marketing, .mba, .media, .money, .movie, .network, .partners, .parts, .photography, .photos, .pictures, .pizza, .plumbing, .plus, .productions, .properties, .recipes, .reisen, .rentals, .repair, .report, .restaurant, .ruhr, .sale, .salon, .sarl, .school, .schule, .services, .shoes, .shopping, .show, .singles, .soccer, .solar, .solutions, .style, .supplies, .supply, .support, .surgery, .systems, .tax, .taxi, .team, .technology, .tennis, .theater, .tienda, .tips, .tires, .today, .tools, .tours, .town, .toys, .training, .university, .vacations, .ventures, .viajes, .villas, .vin, .vision, .voyage, .watch, .wine, .works, .world, .wtf, .zone

Estimated duration: 2 hours

Κατά τη διάρκεια των εργασιών συντήρησης του μητρώου, οι παρακάτω καταλήξεις δεν θα είναι διαθέσιμες για κατοχύρωση ή επεξεργασία μέσω του Control Panel του Papaki.

Καταλήξεις: .academy, .accountants, .agency, .apartments, .associates, .bargains, .bike, .bingo, .boutique, .builders, .business, .cab, .cafe, .camera, .camp, .capital, .cards, .care, .careers, .cash, .casino, .catering, .center, .chat, .cheap, .church, .city, .claims, .cleaning, .clinic, .clothing, .coach, .codes, .coffee, .community, .company, .computer, .condos, .construction, .contractors, .cool, .coupons, .credit, .creditcard, .cruises, .dating, .deals, .delivery, .dental, .diamonds, .digital, .direct, .directory, .discount, .doctor, .dog, .domains, .education ,.email, .energy, .engineering, .enterprises, .equipment, .estate, .events, .exchange, .expert, .exposed, .express, .fail, .farm, .finance, .financial, .fish, .fitness, .flights, .florist, .football, .foundation, .fund, .furniture, .fyi, .gallery, .gifts, .glass, .gmbh, .gold, .golf, .graphics, .gratis, .gripe, .group, .guide, .guru, .healthcare, .hockey, .holdings, .holiday, .hospital, .house, .immo, .industries, .institute, .insure, .international, .investments, .irish, .jetzt, .jewelry, .kitchen, .land, .lease, .legal, .life, .lighting, .limited, .limo, .loans, .ltd , .maison, .management, .marketing, .mba, .media, .money, .movie, .network, .partners, .parts, .photography, .photos, .pictures, .pizza, .plumbing, .plus, .productions, .properties, .recipes, .reisen, .rentals, .repair, .report, .restaurant, .ruhr, .sale, .salon, .sarl, .school, .schule, .services, .shoes, .shopping, .show, .singles, .soccer, .solar, .solutions, .style, .supplies, .supply, .support, .surgery, .systems, .tax, .taxi, .team, .technology, .tennis, .theater, .tienda, .tips, .tires, .today, .tools, .tours, .town, .toys, .training, .university, .vacations, .ventures, .viajes, .villas, .vin, .vision, .voyage, .watch, .wine, .works, .world, .wtf, .zone

Εκτιμώμενη διάρκεια: 2 ώρες

Saturday 10th July 2021 & - Scheduled maintenance work/ Προγραμματισμένες εργασίες συντήρησης, scheduled 3 years ago

Estimated duration: 1 hour

Εκτιμώμενη διάρκεια: 1 ώρα

Friday 9th July 2021 & - Scheduled maintenance work/ Προγραμματισμένες εργασίες συντήρησης, scheduled 3 years ago

Estimated duration: 1 hour

Εκτιμώμενη διάρκεια: 1 ώρα

Thursday 8th July 2021

Shared Hosting - Unexpected technical issue/ Έκτακτο τεχνικό πρόβλημα

**Estimated recovery time: 1 hour

Εκτιμώμενος χρόνος αποκατάστασης: 1 ώρα

Wednesday 7th July 2021

No incidents reported

Tuesday 6th July 2021

No incidents reported

Monday 5th July 2021

No incidents reported

Sunday 4th July 2021

No incidents reported

Saturday 3rd July 2021

Shared Hosting - Unexpected technical issue/ Έκτακτο τεχνικό πρόβλημα

Estimated services recovery time: 1 hour

Εκτιμώμενος χρόνος επαναφοράς των υπηρεσιών: 1 ώρα

Friday 2nd July 2021

No incidents reported